Wednesday, December 15, 2010


              I am officially 18!    When i woke up this morning i was surprised with the best gift ever... I got SNOW!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Best Christmas Decoration

Haha i love this!! The guy who did this stated, “Good news is that I truly out did myself this year with my Christmas decorations. 

The bad news is that I had to take him down after 2 days. I had more people come screaming up to my house than ever. Great stories. But two things made me take it down.

First, the cops advised me that it would cause traffic accidents as they almost wrecked when they drove by.

Second, a 55 year old lady grabbed the 75 pound ladder almost killed herself putting it against my house and didn’t realize it was fake until she climbed to the top (she was not happy). By the way, she was one of many people who attempted to do that. My yard couldn’t take it either. I have more than a few tire tracks where people literally drove up my yard.”

Monday, November 29, 2010

Remember When...

do you wanna know one of my most favorite things to do in this whole world?

i love to look through old pictures

Today i decided to pull out the dusty boxes full of pictures of my family on all our fun trips or birthday parties.  I miss the old film cameras, its not as fun looking at pictures on the computer then having that picture fresh in your hands.  i remember the feeling of opening the envelop that had all our new pictures in it, and laughing if someone had their eyes closed or didnt smile.  Now we quickly look at the camera screen, take another picture, and delete the bad one.  Back then you couldnt just delete it. This resulted in horrific pictures of you with your eyes closed about to sneeze ( even though they look horrible I secretly love those pictures )

Honestly I just love to look at pictures of me ( i know, i know it sounds a little concided but honestly everyone loves looking at themselves).  I love seeing how adorable i was as a baby (spagetti on face is a total classic), then how cute as a child, and then how incredibly awakward as a tween.  i love looking back at all these different time periods and remembering being there.  Without pictures there would be so many memories forgotten.  Pictures help wake up little parts of your brain, one picture can bring up hundreds of memories almost fogotten.

One picture did just that very same thing.  It was a picture of me holding a fishing pole at lake powell.  I got a flash back of my grandpa and i sitting there for an hour trying to get some fish.  i was probably only 5 or 6 and i wanted to show my grandpa i could catch a fish, but i was getting so restless.  i finally gave him my rod, told him i would be back, and went and did something else.  I heard my grandpa yell to me and when i went to him i saw a fish on my hook.  He helped take the hook out and then still gave me all the credit of catching the fish.  I loved that memory, my grandpa loved and i loved catching that fish and then (of course) letting it go afterwards.
I love stumbling across old memories like that. It's like trying on an old coat you don't love anymore, and finding a dollar in the pocket.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

I am thankful for so many things in my life it's hard to know where to start! But I will try.

I am thankful for my supportive family. I don't know Noe where I would be without my great family and I hope I never find out. I am so happy that they will be with me for eternity. I wouldn't change them for the world!

I am thankful for the GOSPEL! I love this church and am so greatful that it's in my life.

I am so thankful for being born in this country. It's not perfect, but it sure is better than alot of other places in this world. I love the education, the respect it provides, the equalality, and for it's freedom.

I could go on for ages counting all my blessings. I love that there is a holiday just to remind you of your blessings! Happy thanksgiving

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Rotten Tomatoes

So last night I watched critically acclaimed movie Harry potter. Many know I am big Harry fan, so are you curious of what I thought of it?

Well I thought it was... BLOODY BRILLIANT!!

There were however a few things that were not quite right

1. they should have explained the mirror better
2. Voldemort shows no mercy to Grindelwald.  He was supposed to be dead.
3. Wormtail you are also supposed to be dead!
4. Where did the dance scene come from?
5.  And Ginny needs some new pick up lines, she is getting a little desperate

But other than those minor details it was AMAZING!  this was by far the best Harry Potter movie.  They stuck to the book very well and it was just a great movie.  I love , but hate movies that seem to go by so fast.  I love them because that means i was so it to the movie i didn't notice time, but i hate them because when its over you just want to watch over again.  Well Harry Potter was one of those movies.

i give this movie 9 stars out of 10! 

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Ok can i just say how much i love tennis. i mean...

1. Its something fun to play with anyone
2. It's an easy way to stay active
3. It's free (once you have rackets)
4. You can be outside and work on a tan :)
5. It's a fun social activity!
6. You get to wear cute tennis dresses and skirts!
7. You don't have to be very good to like it.

I really want to start playing tennis more so then number 7 can be "i am very good at it". To bad its getting so cold...

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


i am in total awe right now

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Overkill... I THINK NOT!

Last night was rough for me.  i hate those nights where you spend the whole night telling yourself to go to sleep.  Finally i was able to force myself to go to sleep with two Advil p.m.:)

  I woke up at about 10, came downstairs to make myself a yummy breakfast burrito, and out of now where i started humming "have yourself a merry little Christmas".  I stopped for a second, thinking to myself "where did that come from", but when i stopped i could still hear it.  IT WAS ON THE RADIO.  I quickly remembered that it was November and even though playing Christmas music in November is overkill to some, it is not overkill to me!  i ran over to the radio, turned it up, and started singing along as well as i could. 

I love Christmas!  I am so happy to be a Christmas baby, it fits me perfectly.  The other day i spent 30 minutes in the Christmas section at home depot while my dad went to find a knob.  I love everything about Christmas!  I love buying presents for people and wondering what they are getting you, i love getting out of school for two weeks, i love all the parties, i love watching the Christmas carol with my family, and i love how beautiful newly fallen snow looks.  I could go on forever how much i love the Christmas season, sadly the worst day is actually Christmas day because you know its all over.  But i am going to soak up all the Christmas spirit i can this year, and that means non stop Christmas music starting today!
i am pumped!  And to get you guys pumped i am going to add some family photos from Christmas last year, ENJOY!
                                       Oh the joys of Christmas morning...
                                   Family pictures, including sandy irepresenting Michael and Brandon and Pongo representing Ann.
                                      Reiske party, Christian was telling me a story.
                                                Roberts family party.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Upception Mash Up

I have been so busy lately, i hate when teachers give you aton of homework at the end of a term.  I feel like i barely have time to breath.  But i do have time to show you this amazing video.  For anyone who can’t tell, the audio on this video comes straight from the trailer for the movie “Inception,” and the footage comes from the movie “Up.” It is one of the best mashups I’ve ever seen.haha it makes me want to see both of the movies again.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Next Stop on the Hogwarts Express... AZKABAN!!

     So this last week i have been in the magical world of Harry Potter.  I drank butter beer, bought a wand, watched the triwizard contestants dance, bought a chocolate frog at Honeydukes, and even ate ate the three broomsticks.  I had so much fun, but so did the hundreds of people that were constantly around me.  There were SO many people there!  At one point the line for the harry potter ride was 120 minutes long!!  Luckily it did slow down and we got to ride it... three times.  But that is nothing compared to a guy we met while waiting in line.  He had ridden it a total of 120 times!  I loved every second of that place I know i sound like such a nerd, but it was one of the funniest things i have ever done.  Universal Studios is a fun place even without this new addition, but this is definitely the most fun.
             My first drink of butter beer, which is just cream soda with a butter scotch foam topping.
     Getting ready to go into honey dukes, which was so adorable inside!
     This is us drinking our butter beers in front of the three broomsticks
        The bridge to go over to harry potter land
    Ok this is not photo shopped at all!!!  I don't know how the light is so perfect and that is really the castle.  They did an amazing job.  Inside is the harry potter ride, as you walk to the ride they had pictures on the wall that talked to you and one part Ron, harry and Hermione talk to you and Ron messes up a spell and it starts to snow.  It was a really cool place, they spent 200 million making this and it really paid off.
     We got a picture with these guys after watching their little show.
   These pictures are out of order, but this is me eating at the three broomsticks
   This was where you could buy your wands and owls.  They had this cute show where 30 people would go into a room and one would be chosen to have a wand pick them.  Bekah was chosen and her first two wands messed things up and her third wand air started blowing on her and light shined down, just like the movie.  It was really cute and fun.  i ended up just buying Hermiones wand cause the wand that was supposed to be 'the wand that choose me' was really ugly.
                               Walking into the three broomsticks
                                        Our new Harry Potter shirts
                                                 Another castle picture
                                      And lastly the Hogwarts Express

Saturday, September 11, 2010


Wow this graph is really accurate...

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

To Cool for School

So today was the first day of school.  I am pretty sure i already have senoritis, dont think that is a good think to get on the first day (still have 179 days of it left).  The good thing is though, i think that this is going to be a really good year.  So far i have Seminary first, which seems like it is going to be a fun class, then i have math, which i KNOW is going to be so fun two of my most favorite people are in as well as many other fun friends, and then i have a film history class, which is going to be so freaking easy and i think it will be fun too.  Tomorrow i will see the rest of my classes and hopefully they will be just as great.  The one downside to the whole day was the very beginning of the day.  My dad woke me up and 6:40 telling me it was time for school, i jumped out of bed and started to hurry and get ready.  I was mad that my alarm didnt go off and looked over at it, well guess what the power was out.  So i had to get ready in the dark, not very easy.  It sucked so bad, i dont know what is going on, obviously the power is back on but they are still working on the power lines on state street and have the road cut off right behind the light by Provost, so something serious is going on.  Well so that has been my day, hopefully my senoritis wont get to bad.

Friday, August 20, 2010

New Spice | Study like a scholar, scholar

I have posted this before, but this was deleted with that fiasco awhile ago and i feel like this deserves to be re posted. Love this!!!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Sun kissed Skin

So this last weekend was spent boating, pretty much non stop. As a youth activity we went to Yuba lake. We went boating and played games. We played a few card games, which i dominated, and we played some volleyball, which i was killed. But what we mostly did was play on the boats. When you go boating with the Wrights, the only time you stop is to eat. I love boating so much though. Of course we played on the water weeny, that is one of the funnest inventions ever made. A long yellow tube+ 5 fun people + a driver who's goal is to flip you= ultimate fun!!! Now i dont mean to brag, but i was the total champion of that water weeny! Not once, but twice did everyone fall off but me! I am pretty sure Jacob Mcdaniel flew about 5 feet in the air one time when he fell off. The only down side of the little trip was i got pretty sunburnt, but it was worth it.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Snack Time

So what do Cheerios, fruit snacks, crackers, and coloring books all have in common? Well they can all be seen occupying the little children during sacrament meeting. You can hear all the, "be quiet and come eat your snack" by mothers and fathers trying to control their children through 1 hour and 10 minutes of being quiet. I expect seeing that every week, but this week was a bit unusal. Have any of you guys seen the LDS movie "mobsters and mormons". well in the movie there is a part where they take one of the mobsters to sacrament meeting and he sees all these kids with full out meals, it was a bit of a exaggeration seeing parents making PB&J's for their kids. I didnt think i would ever see anyone bring a whole meal to church. Well three rows ahead of me today I saw someone eating a cheeseburger, yes you read that right a full blown cheeseburger right during sacrament meeting. You want to know the funniest part about this story, it wasnt a hungry kid eating the burger, no it was the mom, of course. She was sitting there second row from the front sneaking little bites of a cheeseburger. It was one of the funniest things that i have ever seen during sacrament meeting, the only thing that beats it is the whole stink bomb fiasco set off by the McDaniel's. I dont think anything can beat that, but this was pretty close. Oh how i love church.

Thursday, August 12, 2010


So this week we had a little visitor, some of you guys may remember him. Pongo, the african gray parrot. We ended up with this little birdie again because Abby (his owner), went on vacation and we were the only ones who would take him. But i have to admit i have liked him a whole lot more this time then last time. Last time every time i got near that dumb bird he would try to bite me! Haha he did bite Sara once. But this time he has been so nice to us, not one person has been bite. Also last time he would hardly ever get on me, its hard to admit that a bird can hurt your feelings, but that dumb bird hated me and i wanted it to love me!!! This trip he has been all love to me, he actually wouldnt get off me a couple of times. He is leaving again on Saturday, but i still cant say i will miss him to badly. Guess who else has left the family, Beau (mikes dog). i knew it from the beginning mike is to crazy to own a dog, and i was right. After three weeks he couldnt take the puppy anymore. He was having to potty train it and all the other things you have to do with a brand new puppy, and he couldnt take it. He thought it would be easy, well, he learned training a puppy is hard. But i am happy though cause he went to the best family ever! He went to my Aunt and Uncles house (the one with the twins, i am sure i have told you about them), i know Christian is just going to love that puppy. Beau and Christian are both so cute, they will go great together!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

New school year

So as you guys know i am not that excited to go back to high school this year, i already have senoritis and school has not even started yet (i dont think that is a good sign)! But the one thing i look forward to every year is NEW CLOTHES. i dont know what it is about new clothes but i love to have a pile of clothes that are just waiting for me to wear. I love, LOVE new jeans and cardigans the most, i just love puting outfits together!!! So this school year the classes i am taking are either classes i want to take so i can get an easy A or classes i really just want to take. My schedule is 1. Seminary 2. French (haha) 3. Math analysis 4. Astronomy 5. Film history and appreciation (no idea) 6. English (with Wyckhuyse, brianne did you have her first semester?) And i have no 7 or 8 periods!!! So i really hope that this year will be good even though i am not excited for it, i think it will be a good year. But i cant wait til next year when i am a cool college kid like Brianne and Sara are ;)

Friday, August 6, 2010


So i was able to recover some of my posts unfortunately not all, but hey its better then nothing! And now i know how not to delete all of my posts.


Ok so i dont know why i think this is so funny, but i laughed so hard when i saw it

Monday, August 2, 2010

Who Let the Dogs Out... Really who let them Out?

So this weekend my house was a doghouse. Brandon and Jen went to Las Vegas so we were watching Chloe, Mike had us watch Beau for awhile on both Saturday and Sunday, we are still watching Tonks, and then the only dog that is really ours is Sandy. Every where i went there was at least one dog under my foot. It made me think of that show on Animal Planet called animal hoarders, i have no idea how those people do it. I watched this one and this lady had like 25 dogs, THATS CRAZY! I would go insane if i had that many animals to take care of. It has been so funny though to watch Beau and Chloe together. Chloe acts like his mom, and beau is so crazyly hyper he is driving Michael nuts. We all warned him that its not all that easy raising a puppy, but of course he thinks he can handle anything. Even though Beau is pretty crazy, he is so freaking cute! He is a mini doberman and he is not even half of Sandy. So my weekend literally went to the dogs.

Monday, July 26, 2010

The Hunger Games

AHHH! i am so excited for Mockingjay to come out!! i was looking online and found a countdown and from right now there is 28 days, 13 hours, 22 minutes and 47 seconds til it is released! i love these books. now i have got my whole family into them, my mom read them because she just got surgery on her foot and cant move around alot and my dad read them because she read them and now the both love them. its crazy when you read them because it is honestly like you are watching a movie, the suspence just kills you. which brings me to my next topic, hunger games the movie. they started filming in the begining of this year. this video is not really the movie trailor, it is just a bunch of clips from different movies. but it is still pretty good, i thought it really was the movie trailor at first and thought oh crap it is going to be just like a twilight movies. they made those movies so fast that alot of it is poorly made. So i was happy when i read someone had just made this. its really good though for someone just making this.

Friday, May 28, 2010


My post today is going to be about facebook and Twitter lingo. I think in this day and age its important to know when someone is asking you to follow them on twitter it really means they want you to add them, not actually follow them. Some of the words are quite remarkably, extremely stupid. I am also going to add how you would put in these words in your everyday life.

# TweetUp:
A real-world meeting of people who have connected via Twitter. Example: Ok this example is of two people going on a date after meeting on twitter and this is a creepy old man who told you he was 24, "Its so very kind of you tweetingup with me, we should tweetup more often." Eww just writing that gave me the chills.
# Bulltwitter:
A twitter user who's not truthful when tweeting. Example: "Hey Sam, was that just bullwitter when you said that you were sitting on your porch again"
# Twitterati:
Celebrity and a-list Twits (or Tweeple or Tweeters) Example: "OH MY GOSH! Did you see Lindsays twitterarati, its was so totally a bulltwitter!"
# Friendscraping
The act of friending all of a friend's friends, either manually or via a bot. Example: "Dude, I found her by friendsccraping.

I honestly have nothing to say about this except for, wow.
So facebook is not as creative as twitter when it comes to lingo, but there is one thing i had to get straight, what the heck is a poke. So of course i looked this up as well.


What it is: A way to alert someone that you’re thinking of them. A poke is just a notification, it doesn’t contain its own message. So it’s the online equivalent of a smile or wave across a crowded room.

What it’s for: Basically flirting. You poke someone with the hope you get poked back. And you typically poke someone you’re not great friends with, or someone you don’t speak to a lot (because if you speak to the person, what’s the point of sending a silly notification?).
Tip: Don’t poke the same person repeatedly. It’s cute the first time, but then it’s just straight up annoying.

So i decided this blog is not only going to be about my life, its also going to be about just what ever i am thinking about. There are a lot of questions out there that need to be answered and i am going to answer them. And that is not a bulltwitter.

Thursday, May 27, 2010


Hmm... where to start, as of today i am officially a blogger. Have you ever thought of how people came up with these Internet names. I mean blogger sounds more like a british insult then a social network name, you try saying "oh you blogger" in a british accent. total insult huh. But i would rather be called a blogger then a twitterer, just saying that ,honestly, makes me laugh. But anyway back to me. I was born on December 15, 1992. I was a cute little Christmas baby, i even came home in a stocking. To bad last year my mom unfortunately found the remains of my christmas stocking had been eaten by mouse in our shed.,*sniffle, sniffle* Anyways i thought it would be fun to learn more about where my name came from so of course i googled it, and this was the first source that popped up.
Gender: Girl

Origin: Latin

Meaning: Follower of Christ

Pronunciation: (kris TEE nah)

Form of: Christiana

Used in: English and German speaking countries

Additional info:
Saint Christina the Astonishing was born in 1150. She had a near-death experience in which she claimed to have seen heaven, hell and purgatory.

Christina of Sweden was queen regnant of Sweden during the 17th century. She abdicated after converting to Catholicism, and is one of only three women to be buried in St Peter's Basilica, in Rome - where the Popes are buried.

Other famous bearers include poet Christina Rossetti and singer Christina Aguilera.

I think my favorite part about that whole thing is how they added quickly Christina Aguilera to the list after all these great women, i mean honestly Aguilera should have been on top, hello she was only like the greatest pop star of all time. Haha and now just to quickly sum up the rest about me, i am 17 i have brown hair and hazel eyes,i love lacrosse and i would say i am rather spiffy.