Friday, May 28, 2010


My post today is going to be about facebook and Twitter lingo. I think in this day and age its important to know when someone is asking you to follow them on twitter it really means they want you to add them, not actually follow them. Some of the words are quite remarkably, extremely stupid. I am also going to add how you would put in these words in your everyday life.

# TweetUp:
A real-world meeting of people who have connected via Twitter. Example: Ok this example is of two people going on a date after meeting on twitter and this is a creepy old man who told you he was 24, "Its so very kind of you tweetingup with me, we should tweetup more often." Eww just writing that gave me the chills.
# Bulltwitter:
A twitter user who's not truthful when tweeting. Example: "Hey Sam, was that just bullwitter when you said that you were sitting on your porch again"
# Twitterati:
Celebrity and a-list Twits (or Tweeple or Tweeters) Example: "OH MY GOSH! Did you see Lindsays twitterarati, its was so totally a bulltwitter!"
# Friendscraping
The act of friending all of a friend's friends, either manually or via a bot. Example: "Dude, I found her by friendsccraping.

I honestly have nothing to say about this except for, wow.
So facebook is not as creative as twitter when it comes to lingo, but there is one thing i had to get straight, what the heck is a poke. So of course i looked this up as well.


What it is: A way to alert someone that you’re thinking of them. A poke is just a notification, it doesn’t contain its own message. So it’s the online equivalent of a smile or wave across a crowded room.

What it’s for: Basically flirting. You poke someone with the hope you get poked back. And you typically poke someone you’re not great friends with, or someone you don’t speak to a lot (because if you speak to the person, what’s the point of sending a silly notification?).
Tip: Don’t poke the same person repeatedly. It’s cute the first time, but then it’s just straight up annoying.

So i decided this blog is not only going to be about my life, its also going to be about just what ever i am thinking about. There are a lot of questions out there that need to be answered and i am going to answer them. And that is not a bulltwitter.

Thursday, May 27, 2010


Hmm... where to start, as of today i am officially a blogger. Have you ever thought of how people came up with these Internet names. I mean blogger sounds more like a british insult then a social network name, you try saying "oh you blogger" in a british accent. total insult huh. But i would rather be called a blogger then a twitterer, just saying that ,honestly, makes me laugh. But anyway back to me. I was born on December 15, 1992. I was a cute little Christmas baby, i even came home in a stocking. To bad last year my mom unfortunately found the remains of my christmas stocking had been eaten by mouse in our shed.,*sniffle, sniffle* Anyways i thought it would be fun to learn more about where my name came from so of course i googled it, and this was the first source that popped up.
Gender: Girl

Origin: Latin

Meaning: Follower of Christ

Pronunciation: (kris TEE nah)

Form of: Christiana

Used in: English and German speaking countries

Additional info:
Saint Christina the Astonishing was born in 1150. She had a near-death experience in which she claimed to have seen heaven, hell and purgatory.

Christina of Sweden was queen regnant of Sweden during the 17th century. She abdicated after converting to Catholicism, and is one of only three women to be buried in St Peter's Basilica, in Rome - where the Popes are buried.

Other famous bearers include poet Christina Rossetti and singer Christina Aguilera.

I think my favorite part about that whole thing is how they added quickly Christina Aguilera to the list after all these great women, i mean honestly Aguilera should have been on top, hello she was only like the greatest pop star of all time. Haha and now just to quickly sum up the rest about me, i am 17 i have brown hair and hazel eyes,i love lacrosse and i would say i am rather spiffy.