Saturday, January 1, 2011

Let The New Year Begin!

Happy New Year!!

Today is January 1st 2011.

This means that todays date is 1/1/11!

So make a wish, because something like this doesnt come around to often.
I made sure to make a wish today at 11:11 am, but I can't tell you what it was. Because then they say it wont come true.

But honestly who gave "they" all the power anyway? To my logic, my wish would still come true, even if I told you what it was, because I would make it happen. I don't believe in it suddenly being "cursed" to tell you what I wished for. Because if I was hoping for it, and other people just sent along a little love and good vibes for my wish too, then wouldn't that just improve its likelyness to happen?

Of course.

Just in case.....

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